Riley is a 6 year old Yorkie/Corgi mix. She is a sweet girl and gets along with other dogs. She weighs 14.6 lbs. She is mostly housetrained but does use puppy pads too. She loves to cuddle and is a well behaved little dog. Would do best in a home where she doesn't have to be crated all day. Due to her age, we think a home without small kids would probably fit her best.
Riley has been vet checked, spayed, vaccinated, microchipped, and is on heartworm/flea prevention.
If you'd like to give Riley her forever home, please fill out an adoption application here:
Adoption fee is $125
Smiley is just under 13 years old and is a Shihtzu/Japanese Chin mix. He is super sweet and loves to sit in your lap. Smiley is housetrained and good with other dogs. He is looking for a family who will just give him all the love.
Smiley has been neutered, vet checked, vaccinated, microchipped, and is on heartworm/flea prevention.
If you'd like to give Smiley his forever home, please fill out an adoption application here:
Maggie is yet another Goldendoodle dumped in our county and now in our rescue. She is estimated at 1 year old and weighs 35 lbs. She's pottying outside and loves other dogs. She is timid and will need a family willing to work with her. Would do best in a home with other dogs as it helps her come out of her shell.
Maggie has been vet checked, vaccinated, microchipped, and is on heartworm/flea prevention. She will be spayed on the 21st.
If you'd like to give Maggie her forever home, please fill out an adoption application here:
Adoption fee is $400
Little Kip is a 5 month old Chihuahua. He's super tiny at 3.3 pounds. Kip loves to be held and has lots of energy. We think he'd do best in a home without small kids due to his tiny size. He's slow to warm up to strangers but loves his foster parents. He does use puppy pads in the house because he just shakes when outside. He would do okay with other little dogs but bigger dogs scare him when they get playful.
Kip has been neutered, vet checked, vaccinated, microchipped, and is on heartworm/flea prevention.
If you'd like to give Kip his forever home, please fill out an adoption application here:
Adoption fee is $400
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